
🔥​Aerith Messenger in Flames🔥​

& i'm back from the Christening or Baptism. So...we had go first to the church to see how the baby's gonna be baptised. Also another friend of my mom were there. We sit somewhere she started to wispering something to my mom, as they were wispering to each other (From their seats) my mom at the same time was turning her gaze on me & she was laughing. I was able to listen something about "Babies" & i thought inside me "This friend of mom sure she saids something about me, that i am at an age that shall to do my own family huh? While i'm still don't wanna." Then i go to my mom's & whispering as well to her ear in German so that of her friend won't understand. "his will never going to be happen. Forget about it." & of course no sorry. Outside there was my mom's friend son, (The one who been asking me about my phone number before e.t.c) he was wondered "Where am i & what am i doing?" mom wanted to take both of us photo so i had to stick with him for a while, as we prepared for a photo the kid told me "It's okay to touch you from behind" with a smile i told him "Of course, i don't mind it." Then before we depart he told me "At your too." & i've told him back "At yours as well." & he replieds "Thank you." i heard many stuff & i was so nervous, that's why i don't like such events & too many gatherings damn.....i wanna be alone..... blobcatgooglywtf