
🔥​Aerith Messenger in Flames🔥​

Yo folks! I was out again lol Dad's driving with a new car across the mountains then sometimes the machine stopping, my mother started to say "Did we bring a bad luck to it?" & then she started to "pray" about it, i did not believe it in my eyes, i don't believe exactly to bad luck but anytimes something happens my moms praying, but it wasn't that bad.....she's not even hide it, she's doing it in front of me as well damn like i wanna see her praying....why do it in front of me? Anyways, there is even a church up there, we say we praying & kissing the icons but my mother go ahead of this, she even thouching the icons like....they were the real you really believe the Jesus Christ or the Saints are even in the icons? Ah well anyways....that's the whole thing she even touching the icons i find it somehow unexplanable....uh....that's the whole thing today man.... neocat_googly_woozy