
Kel "Das" DeSoto (they/them) (inactive)

Edited 2 months ago
pessimism on fedi
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people, i beg to please stop being extremely pessimistic about the future.

it's going to be okay. just try to stay strong. being more pessimistic is going to worsen your mentality even further.

ESPECIALLY when it involves the United fucking States.

re: pessimism on fedi
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@asahi "it's going to be okay"

What are you basing that on?

re: pessimism on fedi
Show content it's from my own self. i'm gonna be real this time...

i don't want to constantly keep thinking everything is going to end, things are going to be destroyed even further, etc. i want to be more positive, despite the outcome or situation. if i can't lead a revolution, at least i can do something like check in on others to see if they're okay, take care of my friends, or spread good information important to educate others on (such as the importance of social issues and such)

just sitting around and doing fucking nothing is not the way people should be going. they should do stuff to make positive change, instead of being pessimistic and doing fucking nothing.

re: pessimism on fedi
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@asahi i'm not just pessimist about the future, i've got to the point of being nihilist about it.
re: pessimism on fedi
Show content nihilism is also something i absolutely despise ngl.

re: pessimism on fedi
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@asahi to be honest, i somewhat hate it. i want to see things in a more positive way, yet it's becoming increasingly difficult, sometimes to the point of being impossible.
re: pessimism on fedi
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@getimiskon i mean it get your point, i can see some people seeing some situations this way

but from my point of view, there is always, at least, one possible way

re: pessimism on fedi
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@asahi i don't disagree. in fact, that's a reason why i don't really discuss about some topics much.
pessimism on fedi
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@asahi the current biden situation is good that is going now and not in 2 months

re: pessimism on fedi
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@asahi some might call my outlook pessimistic, but I think it’s a realistic view of things, and also a positive outcome, the US is collapsing soon™, its global dominance is waning and with that, internal turmoil is rising, so the general “make rich people richer neoliberal ‘democratic’ order” of things is quickly disintegrating, which the current crisis of democractic legitimacy that has been ongoing since 2016 is a symptom of, this is generally then steered towards fascism by the ruling class so they can keep their hold on things and their wealth

Hopefully the US doesn’t fully turn to fascism, but, it probably will given their current political climate, I admit this is pessimistic, maybe by then people will have enough class consciousness to not, but I doubt that due to how heavy the propaganda is in the US.

Though I find it interesting to think about how a fascist regime would run and how long it’d survive without outside support (which has generally been provided by the US all over the globe to every fascist regime after ww2)

Especially with the US’s heavy reliance on trade and such, the world is different now compared to the time fascism rose in Germany, we’re certainly living in interesting times

pessimism on fedi
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@asahi I think for lots of folks , pessimism is a learned default response, especially if someone is a social media veteran. we think it would be really healthy if they deconstructed that and tbovuht about why they do it.

I think in general, we'd like more folks to take some time to self reflect on what they want social media to feel like for them, and then enforce that. It can have lots of positive parts to it.

In particular, existing in a dangerous or destructive environment isn't something a lot of folks here want, but they seem to consistently talk about being in one.

we think something similar can be applied more broadly to the rest of lives! Elysia every month or so reflets on if what it is doing is happy for it and if we want to change the direction we're moving in, and we change what we're able to. Elysia lives move very quickly !!

pessimism on fedi
Show content i feel this is a good way for people to fix their pessimism and see how to at least make their lives a bit more positive, i do agree ​basil_happy