
🔥​Aerith Messenger in Flames🔥​

We did go today to a Chinese shop, there we meet a daughter of one of my mother's old friends, let us say one of my childhood friends, i used to be friends in my childhood (not now, we don't do company anymore.) she was working there, i didn't recognize her so i was continuing on my way, but the woman recognized my mom. She started to talk with her & my mommy with a pleasure started as well talk back to her. She asked "Do you remember me? I'm your friend's daughter...." she changed a lot that i didn't recognize her as well & i didn't wanna have anything to do with my past friends....i don't have friends anymore in rl. If i wanted a new friend at least i don't wanna have anything to do with my past friends....due to different interests & so....anyways my very good mom bring her to my side (that's what your parents do.) & she asked me the same she did to my mother "Do you remember me? I'm....e.t.c, e.t.c, e.t.c...." & she were about to hug me & kiss me, i was surprised because i didn't recognize her first & i've told her "I'm not that much of a communicate person, so i don't even wanna kisses & hugs, i'm saying this to everyone." & i tried to ignore her but guess my attitiube against her was bad...she also invited us for coffee & so on, but i will not go, i don't wanna to do anything with the girls (because her sister was as well my childhood friend.) but all of these due to our parents being old friends. Because our parents are friends it doesn't me that i wanna be as well with them, as children might were but when we get older we have different interests, for example, i don't wanna talk about my future dreams, relantionship & so on when i meet someone out......but of them is married (the one we saw there ) & she has kids, the other one might be in a relantionship & i'm single, i could find their conversation boring i don't know....i don't wanna communicate with them uh......let us say they might be as well more mature than me.....uh....i don't wanna....