Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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I know the whole thing between Twitter and Brazil is politically charged from start to finish. With both sides calling each other a 'dictator'. But I have to think about the basics of the internet.

ISPs and Countries blocking sites is a very common thing.

I'm reminded of the 4chan vs. AT&T blocking party that happened for a while.

The glass half-empty approach is cursing Elons name for not doing what Brazill asked him to do. Because of the warped logic that Twitter is the only place to be. Or cursing the Brazillian government for having a representative that they can happily sue/jail into oblivion and also charging heavy fines on its citizens for using a VPN.

The glass-half-full approach is hoping that MORE ISPs/countries block Twitter because no company, country, or man should have that level of control over world information. And the depreciation of Twitter will be an act of nature restoring itself as this concept of a social network being an information backbone is an inherent lie in itself.

PS. Still calling it Twitter. Fuck you Musk.
re: Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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@S-Config i'm pretty sure twitter has been so messed up, that the brazilian government has to ban its use. I hope they won't cause issues in the case someone has to use it with a VPN. That would suck.

PS. It's morally right to deadname corporations.
re: Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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@getimiskon Unfortunetly, if you look up "fines for using a VPN in Brazil" on your search engine poison of choice. a lot of sources are confirming the government cracking down on VPNs . It's too easy and subjective for the Brazillian government to simply wildcard everyone using a VPN claiming they are all on Twitter and firing out fines like its Christmas.

Now, the only shining light in this is Brazil just has a hard-on for Musk.. So Mastodon is totally fine.
re: Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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@S-Config yeah, it's sad. neocat_floof_sad
But to be honest, fuck twitter and fuck musk. neocat_middlefinger
re: Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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@getimiskon exactly.. I mean, I can criticise the Brazillian government to a certain point. Can even argue that their law is flawed as VPN is simply one of many ways to accomplish a goal of reaching a site. But especially Fuck Musk. Because I'm sure he has a job posting for a Twitter representative in Brazil that goes like this "Must be willing to serve jail time for a multi-billionaire that exists in another country and legal fines/fees are not expensible" and you probably won't get many Brazillian takers for that job. :D
re: Twitter and Brazil. (pol)
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@S-Config i mean, i don't think any brazilians who work in twitter shouldn't be jailed. They have to lose their job, which sucks, but to get in prison? That shouldn't be the case.