Edited 5 months ago
My experience with Zen browser so far:

- Best implementation of vertical tabs i have seen on a firefox-based browser
- Split view is a good feature, maybe i should set it up to work like emacs, idk
- Compact mode is actually nice, to the point i could replicate my workflow from Pale Moon
- Pretty much, the vast majority of websites will work without issues (the ones that don't are dogshit anyway)
- Access to all the add-ons i need

- The border around the window is too thick for my taste
- Animations feel slow (used to have animations disabled)
- Being a firefox fork, unfortunately it inherits a bunch of firefox-isms, like bad defaults, preference to larger UI elements, hiding more advanced options at about:config sometimes with cryptic values etc.

So far, i'm satisfied with it. I'll keep it for now.