
​✨🧛🩸Aerith the vampire princess ​✨🧛🩸

The whole song εις των καμμένων starts from here you guys, let us see the f@cking lyrics in English.... (In general i'm traumatized by it....)

Merciless, worthless heart, it has broken everyone's hearts
Every lover has lost to love, love has also destroyed me
I don't get any rest (Bro the whole pic says it all blobcatextremejoy)
It makes living difficult, this malicious love
Hey, it makes living difficult, this malicious love

(I'm not gonna copy-paste all the lyrics lol I'm gonna die myself)

& Sharuhkhan:

It tortures me through the night, it gives pain to my heart
No one can escape it, its very glance is a killer
It tortures sometimes, it brings thirst sometimes, it doesn't listen to words
It never lets go of anyone
It makes living difficult, this malicious love

In general the last result leads to this pic..... ablobcatgooglyblep