
​✨🧛🩸Aerith the vampire princess ​✨🧛🩸

I think i have found another Merlin with heart curse....& the only way to get right of his curse is to find a half vampire & half human & drink their blood & becomes immortal, but how ironic cause the series i'm watching is called "Heartbeat" & even a vampire wants to become a human & fell in love feeling his heart beating e.t.c, e.t.c, e.t.c i wasn't expecting this when i decided to watch it yet i go so far i'm fine i think neocat_googly_woozy

I think i didn't knew it's contents could be like that now i'm uh.... neocat_googly_woozy

Emontionally unstable by most of heartbeats & so on neocat_floof_explode neocat_googly_woozy