
🔥​Aerith Messenger in Flames🔥​

Hello guys. What's cool? Today i were outside with my parents, we go to a place that have water just & only to get the fresh air, there it uses to go many people & today it happened about a group to come (Not sure if they are a religous family or something for example a pope with his wife & so on) but a couple does indeed came & that guy does really looked like a pope, they said (To my parents that were there of course) that they were there because they were expecting a monk to come. That monk does live somewhere around near at that place to a cave (Is he a savage???? loool) , in the end he finally came & before me & my parents leaving the man (That looked like a pope) asked about my name & then later he say "bless you" & then something has said about me to my mother, i realized it right away & about how my mother was looking at what of a luck was this??? I am trying to avoid monks because you'll never know what they are gonna say about you & you.....fall upon into a monk.....damn.... blobcatgooglywtf

I tried to act like normal but i couldn't i guess... neocat_googly_blep
@MoonArcadia don't try to act normal, try convincing others to act silly instead

🔥​Aerith Messenger in Flames🔥​