
Amazon sent me a PSU that literally went up in smoke as soon as it was plugged it, so I sent it back. The same model is not in stock anymore. A slightly different model is in stock. Wanted to buy it. Check out. Wait, 22 € shipping costs? Are you out of your mind? F*ck this. Lets see who else sells this model. Oh, this shop is quite cheap, let's buy it. Check-out page doesn't respond. Let's try another one. Oh, this one only supports prepayment and pay-on-delivery - let me pay with Paypal, for goodness sake! Let's try this one. Still no Paypal, but at least I can pay with credit card. Urh, fine!

Online shopping is easy, isn't it.

@sigmasternchen i would never buy anything from amazon, i don't trust them.
0 They are pretty reliable in my experience. But I try to not buy from them if I can avoid it. It just so happens that often Amazon is so much cheaper than any other online shop, that it's really hard justifying paying the premium just so I don't buy at Amazon... : /