Edited 15 days ago
So anyway today we will talk about shrooms.

There are poisonous shrooms. They are divas and like to show off, either your best friend or the biggest most toxic bitch in the hood.

Hallucinogenic shrooms. They talk some really deep dark shit. Nyarhalthotep or whatchamacallit comes to visit them for tea occasionally. They make some really good underground music. Sometimes you forget they are real.

Belly hurty shrooms. That one mutual that makes poop jokes all the time. Your local neighborly clown. Makes all the memes you know. Has weak bladder and gets sick easily.

Edibol shrooms. Tradwives. Or that grandma that offers you local food that looks so unappealing but ends up being good. You appreciate their company, long term friend material, sometimes scolds you for eating cables. You sometimes scold them back for being swept by conservative propaganda.

Tasty safe shrooms. The quirky friend that smokes weed and makes the best pizza/stew/whatever. Loves Snoop Dogg, possibly that one lesbian you met when you accidentally walked into a LGBT+ bar while completely drunk. You will never be invited to the threesome cause you're both partnerless.

Mold. Your older sibling.
Moss. Your younger sibling.